June 7-9, 2024

Mark your calendar now for
next year's festival —

June 6, 7, and 8, 2025

Welcome to the
Tremont Turkey Festival

When June rolls around, the people of Tremont know what time it is – time to get ready to celebrate our community and welcome thousands of visitors as we kick off summer. It’s time to Flock the Block!

We are excited to welcome you to our town and encourage you to take advantage of everything the festival has to offer. From strawberry shortcakes and smoothies, to pancakes and sausage on Saturday morning, to our famous grilled turkey and hot wings, we have plenty of options to offer and we encourage you to try them all.

But food is not the only reason to come to the festival. Walk through the beautiful park exploring the wares at the craft and antique booths, stop by the country store for a lemonade shake-up, or watch the numerous performers in the entertainment area. (All of the entertainment is free!) From the Miss Tremont Pageant to the bed races, to the parade on Sunday afternoon, there is something for all ages.

Summer starts with us at the 58th annual Tremont Turkey Festival and we invite you to join us for our community's summer celebration. View our Schedule for a complete listing of events.


The Turkey Festival Needs You!

Looking for a way you can help out at the festival? Consider volunteering to work in the food line on Friday, June 7. We are often short on volunteers on Friday so we would love to have you help out on that day. Feel free to bring your family and friends along too!

If the food line is not your thing, we have plenty of other places where you can help. Contact the festival chairpeople at chairmen@turkeyfestival.com for more information.

Thanks in advance for your time and enthusiasm.


Help Flock the Block

Before the festival events begin, help “Flock the Block” by attending a special paint night on Thursday, May 30 at 6:00 pm. Limited space is available for this inaugural event, which will take place at the Tremont United Methodist Church’s Family Life Center, on the south side of the church building at 112 West Pearl Street in Tremont.

How can you participate? Sign up online.

Participants will pre-select to either paint a full-sized (2’ x 2’) plywood turkey designed for outdoor display on their property, or three smaller turkeys (approximately 11” x 11”) ideal for interior or window displays. Want that full-flock feel? Create an entire turkey family!

Paint night pricing:

  • 2’ x 2’ Full Size Turkey: $30
  • 11” x 11” Small Turkey Trio: $25
  • Gaggle of 5 Turkeys: $50
    (2 full size turkeys plus a small turkey trio)
If you are not feeling artsy, order a painted turkey by selecting “Paint a Masterpiece for Me” for $35.

Unable to attend the May 30 Paint Night? Stay tuned for additional Flock Party details.


Large Pre-Orders

If your business wants to place a large order (20 or more sandwiches) for pickup at Turkey Express on Friday, June 7, we appreciate your patronage, but request you let us know ahead of time so we can plan for your order and expedite your pick-up.

Online pre-orders are no longer being accepted.

Online payment is due at the time of order.

Orders can be picked up on Friday June 7, at the designated location in front of Tremont High School.

Order forms must be submitted by 7:00 pm on Thursday, June 6.


T-shirt Day

Saturday is t-shirt day! Wear your Turkey Festival t-shirt and show your Tremont pride.


Jeff Muehlich Servant Leadership Award

The Jeff Muehlich Servant Leadership Award was established in 2016 to honor residents of the Tremont community who exemplify leadership through community service.

Jeff's passion for his town, school, and church was unquestionable. He dedicated his life to serving others through his time as a commissioner on Tremont Park Board, coaching and organizing various youth programs, volunteering at school functions, and donating many hours each year at the Tremont Turkey Festival.

The recipient of this award will be chosen by a panel of local leaders and will be announced at the Miss Tremont Pageant. A donation will be made in the recipient's name to a Tremont organization of their choosing.

Residents are encouraged to submit nominations for this award using the nomination form.


The Early Bird Gets...Turkey

Our goal is to try to have turkey available until at least 7 or 8 PM on Friday and Saturday, and at least until close to the start of the parade on Sunday, but sometimes the crowds are huge and the turkey sells faster than we expected. We hate disappointing anyone, but the bright side of this is when it happens, it means a lot of people came thru the food lines before you and our sales were fantastic, which means we raised a lot of money for the community. Our best advice – eat early. We don’t want you to go away hungry.


No Dogs Allowed

The Tremont Park District ordinances prohibit dogs in the park, so unfortunately you will need to leave Fido at home.
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